Monday, October 15, 2007

Tagged a Meme about My Man

Tagged by Suzanne tagged me .. Here goes.

!. Who is your man? Jeffrey McFadden know as Jeff for short

2.How long have you been together? 6 1/2

3. How long did you date? 1 year

4. How old is your man? 23 until december then he wont be able to say "Your older than me"

5. Who eats more? I honestly would have to say him for now. I use to be able to out eat him but I haven't been able to lately.

6. Who said "I Love You" first? He did it was the day I got flowers from my mother saying she wouldnt be at my graduation.

7. Who is taller? Jeff definately

8. Who sings better? We both are horrible singers so I can't really say. I would say if jeff practice he would be better.

9. Who is smarter? By test I would say Jeff. But common sense and life - Me.

10. Whose temper is worse? I'm gonna go ahead and claim that one most definately me.

11. Who does that laundry? Well Me and Me. Jeff does know how I like it though so if I'm sick he will do it, however that takes alot though He will be doing his own for the next 6 months I'd like to see how this is gonna work.

12. Who takes out the garbage? We both do.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do

14. Who pays the bills? I do more than he does, but he does occasionally.

15. Who is better with the computer? I would have to say me for now but jeff will be when he gets done with school.

16. Who mows the lawn? We both do. It is Jeff's chore but I always feel bad so I go help

17. Who cooks dinner? I would have to say me 89% of the time Jeff will make a side dish but you have to ask him 100times so and occasionally he will decide that he wants to cook.

18. Who drives when you are together? He does.

19. Who pays when you go out? He always puts down the card or money but it comes out of the same account.

20. Who is the most stubborn? MMMM this is hard I would have to say both because we both are bull headed and want our ways over the other person.

21. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I am usually

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Definatly his.

23. Who kissed who first? I would have to say Jeff

24. Who asked who out? Jeff asked me out on Prom night after we had been dating for 6 months

25. Who proposed? He did

26. Who is more sensitive? Even though I hate to admit it I am.

27. Who has more friends? I would have to say him. I like to stay to myself but have really close friends a few that is.

28. Who has more siblings? Jeff has two younger brothers and a younger sister. I have 2 sisters on my moms side and 2 brothers on my dads. So I win that one by 1.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? I'm stilling Suzanne's and Mandi's answer. I like to think I'm wearing them but when it comes down to it He does.

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